I found this amazing prayer in Deborah Smith Pegues book Emergency Prays. This prayer is perfect for me and I will be saying and living it in 2012.
Lord, you have been a faithful father and have provided for all my needs. The problem is my eyes are never satisfied. I find the thrill of a new purchase very fleeting; contentment eludes me. Our word warns that whoever loves money never satisfied with his income. Lord i do not want to live my life in such a meaningless way. I want to beware of and resist greed for my life does not consist in the abundance of the things i posses.I long to be model of godliness with contentment this is a winning combination. Help me be content in whatever circumstances i find myself and joyful whether i have little or much.I realize that it is not our will for me be a reservoir of Your abundance, but channel through which you can bless others. Help me understand that wealth without a purpose is just plain old materialism. Remind me often that u give me much so i can give away much. By your grace i will focus on enriching others rather than wanting more, more, more. In the name of Jesus, i pray. Amen